Excellent Self-Supporting International Student ScholarshipShare My Experience

Name: Excellent Self-Supporting International Student Scholarship
School Name: Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
Location of School: Beijing
Introduction: In order to promote the mutual understanding, cooperation and exchanges in politics, economy, culture, education and trade between China and other countries, the Chinese government has set up a series of scholarship programs to sponsor international students, teachers and scholars to study and conduct research in Chinese universities. Chinese Government Scholarship supports international students, teachers and scholars to pursue degrees at all levels (bachelor’s, master’s and PhD) or non-degree studies and to conduct research in China.
Amount (RMB): 700/month
Ratio: Partial Scholarship
Coverage: Living Allowance
Quota: Unknown
Special Scholarship: NO
Available to: Currently enrolled students (freshmen are not included)
Available Programs: Unlimited
Available Program Teaching Language: --
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Applicants Residency: Unlimited
Applicants Residency Description: Unlimited
Age Requirements: Unlimited
Eligibility Requirements: Applicants should achieve an average score of at least 80 (100 in total) on required subjects.
Application Channel: Through university
Application Date: Before September 25th
Duration of Scholarship: Ten months
Frequency: --
Application Fee (RMB): Unknown
Notification Date: Unknown
Admission Documents Mailing Date: Unknown
Grant Date: Unknown
Grant Form: 2
Grant Type: Cash
Annual Scholarship Evaluation: NO

Note: You can take above scholarship information as reference, if you want to accurate information about special scholarship, please direct contact with CUCAS consultants or search it through below button.

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